It is a proud feeling to see our children doing their best, whether in school or in extracurricular activities. Especially so, when they are awarded for their efforts. One such prestigious recognition is the Edusave award.
For years, it has served as motivation to young kids in Singapore and continues to be revered by Kiasu parents. The only stipulation is that it is not as easy as they come.
Now, if your child has received an Edusave award or hopes to get one, there a few things you should know. Before you help your child set their goals towards an Edusave award, it’s best to consider the different kinds of awards and your child’s chances of getting one.
What Is An Edusave Award?
![edusave award](
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Formulated by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Edusave awards and scholarships given to students based on their character, leadership, conduct, learning dispositions, and academic performance.
Children who want to achieve the Edusave award can inform their teachers to check if they are already being considered for one. If they’re not, you need to check the award requirements (read below to know more).
You should also consider the number of students your child’s school admits. If you’re planning to help your child achieve an award, it would help to look into the average number of students in each class per level, which are the following:
- Primary Schools: A class in primary school usually has 29 students on average.
- Secondary Schools: A secondary school class has around 33 to 34 students on average.
Seeing as we can assume there are six classes per level in primary school as well as either six to 10 classes per level in secondary school, both would have over 1,000 students.
So if an award is only offered to 2 percent of students in the entire school, this means only about 20 students out of 1,000 will be eligible for one.
Edusave Award: What Students And Their Parents Should Know About These Awards
Image source: iStock
1. Edusave Character Award
How many students are qualified for the award:
Only up to 2 percent students in each school can be given the Edusave Character Award.
Who are eligible to receive this award:
- Students who demonstrate exemplary character in school receive this award.
- Those with outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions as well are acknowledged by this award.
Award amount:
- Primary 1 – 3: $200
- Primary 4 – 6: $350
- Secondary or specialised school: $500
- Pre-university or ITE: $500
2. Edusave Scholarships
How many students are qualified for the award:
Students must be within the top 10 percent of their school’s level and course for their academic performance as well as good conduct.
Who are eligible to receive this award:
Those who are in government, government-aided, and specialised schools.
Award amount:
- Primary 5 – 6: $350
- Secondary or specialised school: $500
3. Edusave Awards for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES)
How many students are qualified for the award:
Only up to 10 percent students from each school are given this award.
Who are eligible to receive this award:
- Students who have demonstrated leadership qualities.
- Those who have also shown service to the community and school.
- Students with excellence in non-academic activities and good conduct.
Award amount:
- Primary 4 – 6: $250
- Secondary school: $350
- Specialised school: $500
- Pre-university: $400
- ITE: $500
4. Edusave Merit Bursary (EMB)
How many students are qualified for the award:
Students can qualify if they are within the top 25 percent of their school’s level and course based on academic performance.
This percentage is for all levels aside from Primary 1 and 2 as they do not have exams and so children in this level may count on their eligibility instead.
Who are eligible to receive this award:
- Those who have demonstrated positive learning dispositions within the year can receive this award.
- As well as those who have demonstrated good conduct.
- Students whose families have a monthly household income that does not exceed $6,900.
- Or whose income does not exceed $1,725 per capita income.
- They should also not be recipients of an Edusave scholarship.
Award amount:
- Primary 1 – 3: $200
- Primary 4 – 6: $250
- Secondary school: $350
- Specialised school: $500
- Pre-university: $400
- ITE or polytechnic: $500
5. Edusave Good Progress Award (GPA)
How many students are qualified for the award:
Students who are within the top 10 percent of their school’s level and course based on their improvement in academic performance are eligible for this award.
Who are eligible to receive this award:
- Primary 1 to 3 students who do not qualify for the Edusave Merit Bursary but have shown the greatest improvement in learning disposition.
- Students who have demonstrated good conduct.
Award amount:
- Primary 2 – 3: $100
- Primary 4 – 6: $150
- Secondary school: $200
- Specialised school: $400
- Pre-university: $250
- ITE or polytechnic: $400
6. Edusave Skills Award
How many students are qualified for the award:
This award is offered to up to 10 percent of students from each course in the graduating cohort.
Who are eligible to receive this award:
- Only for those in specialised schools, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), and polytechnics.
- Students who have demonstrated excellent professional and soft skills.
- Those who have shown good conduct can receive the award as well.
Award amount:
- Specialised school: $500
- ITE or polytechnic: $500
7. Edusave Achievement Award
Who are eligible to receive this award:
Students in special education schools may qualify for this award if they meet the criteria set by their schools.
Award amount: *Varies across schools
Note: For more information and updates on these awards, please refer to the MOE website.
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