Abusive marriage signs don’t start with violence or heated arguments. In truth, those suffering in abusive marriages don’t realise they’re in one unless someone else points it out.
The high rate of abusive relationships came to light during the COVID-19 pandemic. Heartbreakingly, authorities from all over the world reported several cases of domestic violence. Most of those cases couldn’t be processed in time because of strict protocols.
Moreover, many married couples across suffer from being stuck in abusive marriages. They also can’t file cases against their abusive spouses because they can’t get a divorce.
Concerning this, experts share good ways for people to identify if they are in abusive marriages. In addition, leaving an abusive marriage is not easy, but you can keep your hopes high as there are still things you can do.
In this article, you’ll read:
Abusive Marriage Signs That You Should Know Before Divorce What To Do While You’re Stuck in an Abusive RelationshipA marriage becomes abusive when someone treats their partner in an abusive manner. It could be by treating them with violence, cruelty, force, harm, or disrespect.
Several women in different parts of the world experience this kind of treatment from their husbands.
In most cases, signs of an abusive marriage include belittling and manipulating their partner. In the worst-case scenario, the husband may be capable of committing physical abuse against his wife.
There are physical, mental, financial, and emotionally abusive marriages. Regardless of the type of abuse, it would be best for a woman to know the signs of an abusive marriage and how to get out of it.
Abusive Marriage Signs That You Should Know Before DivorceImage Source: iStock
Many women who experience marital abuse do not commonly leave a marriage even after they realise what they are experiencing. There are various reasons why they stay in this kind of relationship.
Some women think it could be their fault for experiencing abuse. There could also be times when they are hopeful that the abuse will never happen again and that their husband will change in time.
It is never easy, even though they know how to leave an abusive marriage. Many women feel entirely helpless with their abusive situation at home despite their successful careers and intelligence.
Marriage abuse can be in several forms, such as verbal, financial, and the most common which is physical and emotional abuse. To understand more about it, here are the signs of an abusive marriage that you should know before getting a divorce:
Physical AbusePhysical abuse is absolute aggression which includes threatening and physically harming a person.
It could be slapping, shoving, hitting, or throwing objects at or around the victim. Take note that aggression can also be subtle, like pinching and scratching a person.
Verbal AbuseA sign of verbal abuse can be when a partner makes disrespectful or humiliating remarks against another. Regardless of whether it is done in public or in front of other people, giving them demeaning remarks is a form of verbal abuse.
Psychological or Emotional AbuseCommon signs of psychological or emotional abuse include manipulative and controlling behaviour. Someone can be mentally abusive when they tend to manipulate and gaslight their spouse. It is common for them always to blame the other person for the negative things.
Financial AbuseAbuse is not just limited to mental, physical, and emotional abuse; it could also be financial abuse. It happens when a partner, especially a husband, refuses to give financial support to his spouse and their kids.
What To Do While You’re Stuck in an Abusive RelationshipImage Source: iStock
Here is the list of things you must do once you realise that you are in an abusive marriage:
Never Blame YourselfIf you are abused, you must never allow yourself to dwell on the thought that you are at fault for what is happening in you and your marriage.
Make the Decision to Leave the Abusive RelationshipIf the abusive action of your partner becomes frequent, you must avoid things that he will change, or you can make him change.
Before deciding to leave an abusive marriage finally, you may consider undergoing counselling with your partner. Once you have decided, never allow fear to get the best out of you and put you in a dangerous and unhealthy situation.
Create a Safe Plan For YourselfYou must know the red flags of your partner to keep alert. Aside from that, it is also essential to identify the safe areas where you live.
Compose yourself and be ready to leave at any moment you get the opportunity. Most importantly, make a list of emergency contacts.
Give Yourself TimeAbusive marriage can be very traumatising. It is essential that you take the time you deserve to heal and understand how you got into your previous abusive relationship.
Take all the time you need to heal for you to build a new and healthy relationship.