When you opt for a caesarean section, whether it is for personal reasons or due to a medical emergency, it is still considered a major surgery as you will be going under the knife to have your abdomen surgically cut open in order to deliver your baby from your uterus.
So special care is required post-surgery to ensure your healing process is on the right track and that you will be able to make a full recovery from your C-section procedure.
Read on for all the things you need to know about Caesarean section recovery.
After having a caesarean section, you will need to take good care of your stitches and wound
Caesarean Section Recovery: Caring for Your WoundsYour newborn is probably your number one priority right now, but it is important that you remember to take care of yourself too.
Your C-section wounds need special care and attention to make sure that it heals properly and there is no risk of caesarean wound infection.
So what should you do during your recovery period?
Clean the area dailyIf you have a dressing (or bandage), you will have to change it every day, or as soon as it gets soiled or wet.
You should always keep your c-section incision clean by washing it with warm water and mild soap daily.
Do not scrub the incision area, but instead lather up a washcloth or sponge with mild soap then squeeze it over the area and give it a rinse with warm water.
Always keep the area completely dryAfter bath time, always gently pat the incision area dry with a clean towel completely before getting dressed.
Avoid using any cosmetic oils, creams and lotions on the stitches or around the area as they may contain ingredients which can irritate the incision — get a specific scar gel instead to help treat the area.
Singapore’s hot and humid weather will probably make you sweat, so it’s a good idea to occasionally keep the incision uncovered and wear loose clothing so as to help the area breathe.
Experiment with different breastfeeding positionsThere is no reason why you can’t almost immediately start breastfeeding your little one after undergoing a caesarean section, but to minimise any pain or discomfort, you should try different positions that work well for you and bub, such as:
Football/ clutch/ rugby hold Side-lying hold Australian/ koala hold Laid-back holdYou can also place a small pillow on your abdomen before cradling your baby, so as to provide some extra cushioning over the area.
Support and protect the incisionsYour caesarean section procedure was an internal as well as an external incision. You need to protect both incisions from tearing open during the healing process.
Remember to always support your incision when laughing, coughing, sneezing and when getting in and out of bed or standing up from a sitting position.
You can use a comfortable abdominal binder that can support your incision, compresses the abdominal tissues to minimise pain, reduce swelling and even help you get your pre-baby body back!
An abdominal binder doesn’t just help you get back into shape. It also supports your abdominal and back muscles, which might have weakened from the C-section. Wearing the abdominal binder reduces the risk of injury.
Use cold or warm treatmentsSwelling after your surgery should be gone after a day or two, but if there is some swelling around your caesarean section stitches, you can try applying an ice bag to the covered incision.
Applying a heating pad or a warm compress to your covered incision will also stimulate blood circulation which promotes healing.
Wear loose-fitting clothesOpt for loose-fitting clothes, such as a flowy dress, sweat pants or an oversized t-shirt, because tight clothing can rub on the sensitive area which can cause irritation.
Once your incision starts to heal, you can start wearing your regular clothes again. But it’s still better to have abdominal support and scar protection until you make a full recovery.
You may also wear a C-section postpartum underwear to help with your recovery. Choose one with a medical-grade compression to help reduce swelling.
Signs of Caesarean Wound InfectionYour caesarean section incision will be slightly puffy and lighter or pinker than the rest of your skin at first and the pain should decrease after two or three days, but may still feel a bit tender for up to three weeks or possibly longer.
But there are some important signs for you to look out for. These signs indicate an infection and will require medical attention, including:
A feeling of warmth, redness, swelling, or any oozing from the incision The pain is actually getting worse or you suddenly feel pain You have a fever There is foul-smelling or abnormal vaginal discharge You feel pain or have a burning sensation when urinating The constant urge to pee frequently but not a lot comes out when you do Your urine is dark or bloody Any pain in one area of your leg, or one leg is more swollen than the other (which could be signs of a blood clot) What to Avoid After Caesarean DeliveryDuring your recovery process, there are a few things you should avoid doing. This is to promote the healing process.
Stay away from the following:
Sexual intercourse. It may take up to eight weeks before you can go back to your normal routine. Get your doctor’s go signal before you have sex again with your partner. Using tampons or vaginal douches. Wait for your doctor’s approval before using these products. Swimming, soaking in a hot tub or bathtub or Jacuzzi. Avoid these places to stay away from bacteria, which can get into your incision. Lifting or carrying anything that’s heavier than your baby. Ask for help. Taking the stairs. Keep newborn necessities like diapers and wet wipes within reach. Vigorous exercise. Movement is encouraged to avoid blood clots and constipation. But stay away from anything strenuous and limit your exercise to slow walks. Pain and bleedingIt is normal to feel discomfort and pain after a C-section. Ask your doctor about painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve your pain.
You may also have vaginal bleeding after caesarean delivery.
<>During this time, use sanitary pads and not tampons. This is to lower the risk of an infection spreading into your vagina. If you experience heavy bleeding after a caesarean delivery, consult your doctor.
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Postpartum Check-up After a C-Section Don’t forget to come back to your doctor, especially if you had a Caesarean section. You are still going through the fourth trimester, or the first 12 weeks after your baby is born. Your doctor still needs to assess you and check your incision. This is to ensure there are no infections, and that it is healing accordingly. Your first check-up should be before your third week postpartum. You may have another visit before your 12 weeks postpartum. Take it easy After a Caesarean delivery, you may stay in the hospital for two to four days, barring any complications. Use this time to rest and recuperate. If possible, inform your friends not to visit yet. You can limit your visitors to your immediate family. Different women will heal at different rates. It can be frustrating to be so limited by all the dos and don’ts during caesarean section recovery. But you should also remember to take care of yourself. It is normal to feel discomfort and fatigued. So you should just take it easy and get as much rest as possible. Ask your doctor for some medication to help relieve pain which is safe for breastfeeding mums. Don’t feel shy to ask your partner or family for help with the baby or around the house. Remember, you definitely deserve some TLC too!Image Source: Stock
Updates by Romy Pena CruzHere at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.