Every woman recovers at a different pace and according to a different postpartum weight loss timeline. If you are thinking about trying to lose weight after pregnancy, you must be rational about what to expect. After all, there is no right or wrong way to get your body back after childbirth.
Here are some simple strategies for losing the baby weight.
Postpartum Weight Loss TimelineThe first thing to do is understand that postpartum weight loss will be a long process. Losing the extra pounds isn’t something that can happen overnight or in a week—it’s likely to be a process that takes months or even years. You need to have a realistic postpartum weight loss timeline.
If you’re amid pregnancy, you may have heard that if you eat right and exercise, you can be back in shape in no time. In reality, it takes much longer than that. The most important thing is not to set your expectations too high, or you’ll be disappointed when they aren’t met.
It’s also important not to compare yourself with other women who are losing weight faster than you are (or slower). Everybody is different, and every woman experiences post-pregnancy differently—there’s no one way to go around it!
Woman doing some workout
Average Weight Loss 6 Weeks PostpartumThe average weight loss after six weeks postpartum is between 10 and 15 pounds, with most women losing closer to the high end of this range.
Of course, not all women lose that much weight. Some will lose more, and some will lose less—but overall, you can expect a significant drop in your weight after giving birth.
What causes this dramatic change?Your body has undergone major changes during pregnancy, including:
your uterus has grown by about 50% blood volume has increased by 40% (to accommodate your baby) you’ve had to support your growing baby’s weight plus carry it around for nine months (which means you have extra muscle under your skin) Weight Loss After Delivery: Lifestyle Change to Adopt at HomeWhat is the quickest way to lose weight after having a baby?
Again, there are a lot of ways you can lose the baby weight, but most of it takes a lot of time and effort.
Luckily, you don’t need a premium gym subscription or expensive gear to start with your postpartum weight loss timeline. Here are some home remedies for weight loss after delivery that will help you get back on track with your health:
Drink plenty of water—it helps reduce bloating and helps your body flush out toxins from your system. Some say drinking a glass of water before meals help in shedding pounds. Eat smaller meals more often—this will keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day, which is essential for keeping energy levels up and avoiding bingeing later in the evening when everyone else is asleep! Get moving! Even if it’s just taking a walk around the block daily with your baby in the stroller or pushing them around in their carrier while doing chores around the house, anything counts toward this goal! If possible, try doing some strength training or yoga exercises. Exercise regularly—exercise can help you burn calories. At the same time, you sleep (if you’re already exhausted from being a new mom), so try getting up early every morning and taking a walk around the block with your baby strapped into her stroller! It’s good for both of you! How to Lose Weight Postpartum Through Simple Exercises 1. Take the stairs whenever possible.If there are too many stairs to reach your destination, start climbing up one or two flights before hopping on the elevator.
2. Stretch while taking a shower.One of the greatest benefits of stretching is increasing your range of motion, which means your limbs and joints can move further before an injury occurs.
Postpartum, risks of exercising too soon
3. Practice proper posture.Standing tall makes you contract dozen of muscles. Muscle contraction burns calories and builds muscle.
4. Butt squeezeWhenever you’re standing, do a butt squeeze (tighten, hold for two seconds, release) repeated 10 to 15 times. This will tighten your tush and burn additional calories.
5. Park further away and walk to stores.Walk to do short errands. Not just are you burning calories here, but you are helping to save mother earth!
6. Perform a series of biceps curlsThe next time you’re carrying your grocery bags from your car, perform a series of biceps curls. Keep your elbows at your sides and palms up as you hold the handles. Curl your groceries toward your shoulders. Lower and repeat until you get to your car or until your biceps tire out.
7. Do lateral raisesBefore you open up a couple of cans of soup at mealtime, do a few lateral raises to tone your shoulders. Holding a can in each hand, stand tall with your arms at your sides. Lift your arms, so your arms and body form a “T” pose.
8. Skip the trip to the fridgeWhen it’s commercials time, skip the trip to the fridge, and sneak in a set of crunches instead. Lie on the floor, tighten your abdominals, and perform your favourite abdominal exercise 10 to 15 times. You’ll be burning off during break time instead of adding on.
9. Dance with your kids.Instead of watching a cartoon with them, switch on some R N B and shake your booty. You’ll be surprised at how many calories you burn and how much fun you have!
10. Get up to change the television channels instead of using the remote control. When to Start Exercise After Giving BirthIf you’re a new mum, you’ve probably been told that you need to get back into shape before you can even think about exercising. And while it’s true that some women can go right back to their normal exercise routines, others aren’t so lucky.
Many women have to wait at least six weeks or two months after giving birth before they can start exercising again. But what if you’re itching to get into shape now? Here are some guidelines for when it’s safe for you to start exercising again:
If your doctor has permitted you, then it’s safe for you to start exercising again after giving birth. Exercise should be low-impact and easy on your joints and ligaments. Your body has undergone enormous stress during pregnancy and childbirth—it needs time to heal! You should have at least one month between pregnancies before getting pregnant again because it takes about this long for hormones in the body to return to normal levels after having a baby. When Can I Run After Giving Birth?Image Source: iStock
Even if your pregnancy and delivery went smoothly, your muscles and ligaments were stretched beyond their typical range, resulting in instability and weakness. These tissues take a long time to strengthen and mend – at least 16 weeks, but many women require up to six months to fully recover.
There are a few indicators that you can use to assess your strength after 12 weeks. You should be able to do the following if you’re ready to run:
Effortlessly complete your pelvic floor strength circuit. Do a one-minute jog in place. Balance for 10 seconds on one leg (on each side). Without pain or loss of balance, hop on one leg (either side) 10 times. On each side, perform 10 single-leg “running man” motions (opposite arm and leg extension). Perform 20 of each of the following single-leg exercises on each side: Calf raises. Sit-to-stand movement. Bridge while lying on your back.ALSO READ:
The Reason Why Women Still Look Pregnant Even After Giving Birth
12 Healthy And Nutritious Postpartum Snacks To Enjoy Through Your Recovery
REAL STORIES: “I Woke Up In the Emergency Room Two Weeks After Giving Birth”
Can I Do Squats After Giving Birth?The answer is, thankfully, yes. After giving delivery, you can squat as long as your body is ready. It is extremely customised how soon you can do squats after giving birth. After a vaginal delivery, most women should be ready to squat within 3-10 days.
You’d be able to squat sooner if you were active before and during pregnancy. You should take your time if you have never exercised before giving birth.
You’d have to wait a little longer if you had a cesarean section. Everyone heals at their own pace, so some ladies may need to wait several weeks before attempting a squat.
To be safe, you should wait until your 6-week postpartum visit to speak with your doctor about this. Listen to your body and take your time, like with most fitness-related things.
Aim for 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Try easy postpartum exercises that assist build important muscle groups, such as the stomach and back muscles, when you first begin exercising after childbirth.
Gradually increase the amount of moderate-intensity activity you do. You can work up to vigorous-intensity activity if you exercised vigorously before pregnancy or are a competitive athlete.
Keep in mind that even 10 minutes of exercise benefits your body. If you are in pain, you should stop exercising. If you have any concerns regarding your postpartum recovery, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.
This article was written by FabianKesler and republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines.
Updates by Pheona Ilagan
HoustonMethodist, PostpartumTrainer, MayoClinic, ACOG, UTSWMED
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